During Donald Trump's tirade against the NFL on Friday, the president referred to any player who protests against the national anthem as a "son of a b----." 

As you can imagine, no one in the NFL was happy with Trump's characterization of the league's protesting players. 

Of course, players weren't the only ones who Trump insulted on Friday. By calling them "sons of b------", Trump indirectly insulted their moms, and that's where Teresa Kaepernick comes in. 

When the mother of Colin Kaepernick heard about Trump's comments on Friday, she responded with one simple tweet that has now been retweeted more than 33,000 times

Colin Kaepernick's mom had a simple response to Donald Trump's comments.  Twitter

Kaepernick's parents have largely remained silent since their son started protesting during the national anthem in August 2016. Besides giving a statement in December 2016, Teresa and Rick Kaepernick have largely kept all of their thoughts to themselves. 

However, that changed on Friday when Teresa sent out her tweet. Less than 24 hours after sending the tweet, Teresa also did an interview with Deadspin, where she went in depth on her feelings about Trump and why she felt compelled to speak out. 

"It's almost what I've come to expect from him and what most of us have come to expect from him," Teresa said of Trump's comments. "It's disappointing though, and I'm kind of surprised that he went at the whole NFL the way that he did."

When Teresa heard about Trump's comments, she reacted like any normal mom would. 

"As a mom you're protective of your kid," she said. "I grant you he's a 29-year-old man, he doesn't need my protection, but boy, somebody insults somebody you love, and your first instinct is to really wanna just go after him."

Teresa's biggest problem with Trump is that he keeps attacking the very citizens that he's supposed to be representing. 

"I saw on Twitter that he'd said it and I said to my husband, 'What the heck,'" Teresa said. "And I looked to see what was said and I thought, 'Aw man, this is just ridiculous that he continues to attack private citizens like this and continues to not be able to see what freedom of speech is and that he just refuses to acknowledge those kind of things.'"

Trump has also been criticized for trying to tell the NFL what to do when he explicitly told the last president not to get involved in league-related issues. 

As for the actual tweet that Teresa sent out, she was surprised that it went viral. 

"I didn't think that what I said was that big of a deal, and really kind of a typical response from me," Teresa said. "I texted my sisters. I have four sisters and said, You're not gonna believe this, the president just called me a b----,' and they went into one and we just laughed about it."

Trump took to Twitter on Saturday to double down on his call to NFL owners that they cut all protesting players. 

After all is said and done, Trump's comments might end up uniting NFL players more than ever before. According to New York Post reporter Shaun King, there are at least 50 new players who are planning to protest during the national anthem on Sunday, which is a big step up from the normal 10 to 15 players who protest each week as a way to protest racial injustice, inequality and police brutality against minorities.