After watching Jimmy Garoppolo make just five starts in San Francisco, the 49ers are clearly convinced that he's their quarterback of the future, and we know that because they just gave him the biggest contract in NFL history

After details of Garoppolo's new five-year, $137.5 million deal came out, Twittter users did what they always do with anything Garoppolo-related: They talked about how handsome he is. 

Let's take a look at the rest of the reactions from Twitter, starting with Julian Edelman, who just wants to be paid back his money. 

The best part of signing a contract worth $137.5 million is that you can now go swimming in your own money bin. 

One thing that multiple people noted is that Garoppolo will now make more money than Tom Brady in 2018. 

More handsome tweets? OK, let's do more handsome tweets.

This makes some sense, I think. 

Finally, if you're wondering why the 49ers might have given Jimmy G so much money, here's his top-10 plays of 2017 from the NFL's official Twitter page.