It looks like the ugly situation between the Redskins and their star left tackle Trent Williams is about to get even uglier. 

According to, Williams isn't expected to report to training camp this week, and making things worse is that it's not even actually clear if he's going to show up at all. 

Of course, the Redskins probably shouldn't be surprised by any of this, and that's because Williams has been upset with the team for pretty much all of 2019. Not only did Williams skip out on the team's entire offseason workout program, but he also sat out the Redskins' mandatory minicamp last month. 

The trouble between Williams and the Redskins has been brewing for months. Back in June, CBS Sports NFL insider Jason La Canfora reported that Williams was so unhappy with the team that he vowed not to play for them at all in 2019. Williams even apparently told several teammates that he would like to be traded or released.

Williams has been upset with the Redskins based on how they handled a serious medical situation he had this offseason. At some point after the 2018 season ended, a growth was discovered on his head and doctors were worried that it might be malignant. According to, the situation was so serious that multiple teammates were told that Williams might miss the entire 2019 season. 

Williams underwent surgery to have the growth removed in February. Although Williams shared one picture from his operation, he hasn't really talked about the situation and the Redskins have been mum when it comes to details. 

After watching Williams skip minicamp in June, Redskins coach Jay Gruden basically admitted that Williams' main issue was with the Redskins medical team. 

"Trent knows how much we need him and want him back," Gruden said. "That's the only thing I can do from here. As far as what happened with him and the doctors, that's between he and the doctors; hopefully, we can get that cleared up soon."

Redskins president Bruce Allen was also asked about the situation in June and he didn't exactly deny anything when he was asked about La Canfora's report that Williams doesn't plan on playing for the Redskins in 2019. 

"I've talked to Trent a few times," Allen said. "He's explained some things to me and I'll leave it at that."

With the Redskins set to report to training camp on Wednesday, it's almost a certainty that the two sides aren't going to resolve anything between now then, which is why Williams likely won't be there. 

One other factor that's definitely not helping the situation is that Williams' playing status is still up in the air. According to, there's no guarantee that Williams would even be medically cleared to play if he were to show up, and if the team didn't clear him, it would just give him another reason to be upset with Washington's medical team. 

If Williams does end up skipping training camp, it's going to be a very expensive move for him. Under terms of the CBA, the Redskins are allowed to fine him $40,000 for every day that he doesn't show up. Of course, the seven-time Pro Bowler can probably afford that. Williams still has two years left on his contract, which are worth a total of $23.35 million in base salary ($10.85 million in 2019 and $12.5 million in 2020).