There are 32 teams in the NFL and only two of them will be getting a parade this year: The team that wins the Super Bowl and the Cleveland Browns

Browns fans didn't get to celebrate a single victory in 2017 and because they are clearly desperate to celebrate something, ANYTHING, thousands of fans will be taking part in a "Perfect Season" parade this week to celebrate the team's 0-16 record. 

Someone wins the Super Bowl every year, but it's not every season where a team finishes 0-16, so this parade kind of makes sense if you think about it. The Browns are just the second team in NFL history to go winless through a 16-game season. 

If you're going to be in the Cleveland area this weekend, you might as well just go ahead and plan to attend. The parade is on Saturday and will start at noon with a route that goes around FirstEnergy Stadium. 

According to Chris McNeil, the man who came up with the idea for the parade, there's actually a perfectly logical explanation for why the route will be going around the Browns' stadium. 

"It's going to go around the stadium [to form] a big loop, a big zero for the number of wins we had this year," McNeil said, via NBC 4 in Cleveland

Fittingly, the temperature on Saturday is expected to be around zero degrees, which means Mother Nature is definitely doing her part to celebrate the Browns' zero-win season. 

Throwing a parade isn't cheap, which means McNeil had to raise some serious money before he was able to finalize the plans for the parade. To make sure that there would be enough money to hold the parade, McNeil made a goal of raising $10,000 so he could pay for things like "security, restrooms and medical folks."

Although it's not easy to raise that kind of money, McNeil did it in days thanks to Excedrin, who donated $7,683 to the parade's GoFund me page. A company that makes headache medicine sponsoring a parade that's celebrating a team that gave their fans a headache every Sunday for 17 weeks couldn't be more perfect. 

Besides Excedrin, the dating website Farmers Only has also jumped on board to sponsor the parade. 

Finding your true love at this parade probably makes some sense because then you guys can suffer together as Browns' fans for the rest of time and it will be a great story to tell your two kids at some point. Little "Hue" and little "Jackson" will probably love hearing about the time their parents met at an 0-16 parade. 

With just days to go until the parade, it's apparently becoming a pretty popular event in Cleveland with a total of 6,000 people RSVPing to attend on the parade's Facebook page. The parade is also going to feature at least 25 floats, according to NBC 4. The organizers should definitely shoot for 27 floats because what better way to honor the 27 quarterbacks who have started for the Browns over the past 18 years. 

By the way, it appears that Browns fans love planning parades because there's also one being planned for 2033. That one is supposed to be a Super Bowl parade and if you would like to attend, you can RSVP on Facebook