After the Patriots' wild 25-point comeback over the Falcons in Super Bowl LI, America got treated to a awkward showdown that was two years in the making: Roger Goodell had to shake Tom Brady's hand and give New England its latest Lombardi Trophy.

So how awkward did things get between Brady and Goodell?

As it turns out, not that awkward at all.

Although there's probably a giant segment of Patriots fans out there who were hoping that Brady would clothesline Goodell, the meeting between the two men turned out to be much more civilized.

Tom Brady and Roger Goodell had a quick postgame chat after the Super Bowl. Fox/NFL

During his weekly interview on WEEI in Boston, Brady revealed exactly what the two men talked about during their short postgame conversation.

"He just said congratulations and good game, and I just said, 'Thank you,'" Brady explained.

Goodell also appeared to say, "That was awesome."

The meeting between the two men wasn't exactly an olive branch, though. Brady is definitely still upset about his Deflategate suspension, and as he explained it, the only reason he didn't show it when he talked with Goodell is because he was way more focused on the fact that the Patriots just won their fifth Super Bowl title thanks to an improbable 34-28 win.

"To win the Super Bowl, nothing is negative about this," Brady said. "I just want the focus to be on positivity and that's just kind of how I am and how I'll always be."

Ironically, Brady did end up getting the last laugh. Literally.

As Goodell handed the Lombardi Trophy to Patriots owner Robert Kraft, thousands of fans started to boo Goodell.

As the boos reigned down, Brady and Bill Belichick got a good laugh in. The last laugh of Deflategate, if you will.

OK, not let's all agree to never speak of Deflategate again.