Tom Brady has only been living in Tampa Bay for a few weeks now, and he's already turned into one of the city's most notorious outlaws. Not only did he get kicked out of a closed park after illegally entering it during quarantine, but the Buccaneers' new quarterback also got caught trespassing at a man's house after he accidentally walked in, because he thought the place belonged to Bucs offensive coordinator Byron Leftwich.  

The good news for Brady is that he's not going to be facing any legal charges from his two innocent mistakes. However, there is some bad news for the 42-year-old, and the bad news is that NFL teams want to see him punished because he apparently broke a league rule last week. 

According to terms of the collective bargaining agreement, players and coaches aren't allowed to talk football, hold meetings or even look at a playbook together before the start of a team's offseason program, and since Tampa's offseason program hasn't started, Brady was ostensibly violating NFL rules when he went over to Leftwich's house. 

CBS Sports NFL Insider Jason La Canfora has reported that teams are "miffed" about the fact that Brady was able to meet with his offensive coordinator. Of course, it does make some sense that teams around the league would be mad. For one, the NFL postponed the offseason workout programs for every single team this year. Originally, the start date for some teams was supposed to come on April 6, but that was delayed until April 20 due to the pandemic. Under the old rules, players could have gone to their practice facility when the offseason program started, but under this year's pandemic rules, everything is supposed to be done virtually. 

If Brady got a playbook from Leftwich or if he just talked about the Buccaneers offense to get a better feel for it, that gives him a head start on the offseason. With Brady trying to learn a new offense, getting the information early gives him an advantage that no other player in the NFL would have this offseason. 

According to La Canfora, teams around the league have "conveyed their dismay to league officials" about Brady's meeting, and since they believe the quarterback violated league policy, the teams are "anticipating some stern discipline" for Brady and/or the Buccaneers. As one source told Pro Football Talk, what Brady did was "totally illegal."

The likely punishment in this case would be a fine, but the league could also tack on something more substantial if they feel like there was an egregious violation of the rules. On the other hand, the league could also just let everything slide and chalk it up to the fact that this is the weirdest offseason in NFL history. 

As for Brady, he doesn't seem too concerned about anything right now. A few days after his double whammy of getting kicked out of a park and trespassing at someone's home, Brady was already joking about it.