No drinks with Daly, Tiger? (USATSI)
No drinks with Daly, Tiger? (USATSI)

John Daly turns 50 this week and will try his hand at the PGA Tour Champions circuit soon. He is also slated to play the Greenbrier Classic on the PGA Tour later this summer. 

But first, a great drinking story about Tiger Woods. Daly told Golf Channel that, after the Wednesday Pro-Am at the 2004 Target World Challenge, he was boozing in the locker room when Big Cat walked in.

“Tiger’s there in his workout clothes and I said, ‘Tiger come have a beer with us, man,’” Daly told Golf Channel. Woods wanted to lift weights instead (shocking, I know). “I go, ‘Man, you don’t need to work out," said Daly. "You need to drink a little bit with us.’”

“[Tiger] said, ‘If I had your talent, I’d be doing the same thing you’re doing. I’m looking at him thinking, 'You’re crazy, man.'”

If Tiger had Daly's talent, huh? That's quite a tale. And I'm not sure for whom it's worse: Dal,y who only won five times on the PGA Tour, or Woods, who maybe didn't ever recognize how great he truly was.