Rory McIlroy is very young and very wealthy. (Getty Images)
Rory McIlroy is very young and very wealthy. (Getty Images)

Repeat after me.

It's good to be Rory McIlroy.

The Sunday Times reported over the weekend that McIlroy has taken up residence (what is this, his third? Fourth?) on this palm tree-shaped island in Dubai.

"Rory McIlroy, the world’s No 1 golfer, has become a tax exile in Dubai, moving to Palm Jumeirah, an artificial island that appears from above as a palm tree growing out of the coastline.

"McIlroy...gave an address in Monaco, another tax haven, during a recent High Court dispute with Horizon Sports Management, his former agent.

"However, in Irish company documents filed last week it emerged that his primary residence is now in Dubai, a tax-free statelet popular with celebrities and sports stars. While McIlroy’s new address was redacted in some of the documents, a trademark application included his new place of residence in the oil-rich emirate."

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McIlroy apparently lives in the Adriatic building in Oceana which is in the trunk portion seen above. The cheapest townhouse on the island is a little over $1 million.

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