WWE is scheduled to head over to Saudi Arabia for the second time this year under the fresh 10-year agreement it has with the Saudi General Sports Authority, with the Crown Jewel event slated for Nov. 2. However, recent reports regarding the Saudi government's alleged involvement in the murder of a Washington Post journalist at the country's consulate in Istanbul, Turkey, have many calling for WWE to cancel the trip, and some outlets have reported that WWE superstars are uncomfortable with venturing over there again. Veteran and multi-time world champion Randy Orton does not appear to be one of those superstars. 

TMZ caught up with the SmackDown Live superstar, and he believes canceling the trip would be the wrong move. According to the "Viper," keeping the event as scheduled will only help cultural progression in Saudi Arabia.  "I think we should go. I think the only way to help with change over there is to go and not to cancel the trip," Orton said. "That's the goal is to make things better everywhere and I think us not going doesn't help. Going helps."

Despite Orton -- and quite possibly many other superstars backstage -- approving of the show continuing as scheduled, the backlash against WWE has been rampant, with U.S. senators even calling for the cancellation of the event. As of this time, though, WWE Crown Jewel is still slated to take place in Saudi Arabia, with the company's only statement on the matter being that they're "monitoring the situation." 

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