It looks like Jon Jones was wrong about his second sample. A spokeperson for the US Anti-Doping Agency confirmed that the interim light heavyweight champion's 'B' sample also tested positive for a banned substance on Friday.

Jones was hoping his second sample could clear his name from this mess during the UFC's biggest week of events ever. Jones could face up to a two-year ban from fighting depending on the severity of the punishment from USADA. Jones was pulled from the main event of UFC 200 on Wednesday when it was first discovered his test from June 16 returned a positive test.

On Thursday, Jones denied knowingly taking a banned substance, but did note that he did not chart all of the supplements he took during training camp. UFC president Dana White ripped Jones' decision making on Friday.

"There's nothing for me and Jon Jones to talk about," said White. "I haven't [talked to him] and I'm not gonna. There is nothing for us to talk about ... The guy is a professional and I truly believe, and I'm not the biggest Jon Jones fan right now, but I truly believe that he took a supplement that had this stuff in it and it wasn't intentional. I truly believe that, but at the same time, come on! You're 28 years old. You're arguably the greatest talent to step foot in this sport, right? Call USADA and tell them what supplements you're taking!"

Anderson Silva will replace Jones against Daniel Cormier on Saturday.