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If recently-fired Scott Frost can take solace in anything, it's that he didn't leave Nebraska in The Bottom 25. OK, he can also take solace in the extra $7.5 million he's getting in buyout money since somebody at Nebraska didn't want to wait a few more weeks to fire him. Which, honestly, makes me wonder if Frost didn't tank the Georgia Southern game knowing a loss could be worth $7.5 million.

Would you lose a game on purpose for $7.5 million? I would. Anyway, I'm getting off-topic! The point here is that Nebraska is not ranked in this week's Bottom 25, so it's not as bad for the Cornhuskers as you might think. I recommend that athletic director Trev Alberts mentions this to every potential candidate and that Scott Frost puts "wasn't in The Bottom 25 when fired" on his resume as he sits by the phone waiting for Nick Saban to call and offer him an analyst job.

As for the teams that are in The Bottom 25, we start, as we so often do, in the MAC.

No Longer Ranked: No. 24 San Diego State, No. 23 North Texas, No. 20 Georgia Tech, No. 19 South Florida, No. 18 Western Michigan, No. 16 Wyoming, No. 14 Temple, No. 12 Oregon